The Gordon Brothers
(David Sr, Donald & George)
Class of
Contributor to the Sport, Influence on the Sport
The three Gordon Brothers through mutual interest in starting
their own business formed Gordon Plastics in 1952.
Though many products were developed during the early 50’s Bo-Tuff was
the product that brought their dream to reality. During the next 40+
years, Bo-Tuff and eleven additional products were developed
specifically for the archery industry, and have become the materials of
choice for renown bowyers around the world.
Because of their innovative thinking and persistence in
believing there was always room for improvement in the products they
manufactured, Gordon Plastics became the leader in furnishing high
quality composite materials at competitive cost to bow manufacturers
The Gordon brothers were lifelong
hunting and fishing enthusiasts which motivated them to design and build
their own line of bows: "Gordon Royal Bows." They named their fiberglass
laminate "Standard B0-Tuff". The laminate worked well on recurves
and their bow market took off. Their bows performed so well with their
fiberglass limbs that bow makers started purchasing Gordon laminates for
their lines.
In 1958-59,
the Gordon Plastics “Royal Line” of bows included five models:
The King 67” length
- weight: 30 to 55 lbs
The Knight 62” length
- weight: 30 to 70 lbs
The Prince 67” length
- weight: 30 to 60 lbs
The Queen 64” length -
weight: 25 to 55 lbs
The Page 62” length
- weight: 20 to 55 lbs
In 1961-62, more models were added to the
The Royal Monarch
69” length weight: 30 to 60 lbs
The Royal King
68” length weight: 30 to 60 lbs
The Royal Knight
62” length weight: 30 to 70 lbs
The Royal Queen
64” length weight: 20 to 40 lbs
The Royal Huntsman
54” length weight: 30 to 70 lbs
The Duke
64” length weight: 30 to 60 lbs
The Page
62” length weight: 20 to 55 lbs
The Jester“
60” length weight: 15 to 40 lbs
The Squire
48” length weight 16 to 40 lbs
Notes of Interest
• Founder’s of Gordon Plastic’s, est 1952.
• Developed & Manufactured the
“Gordon Royal” Line of Bows 1955 - 63.
• Innovators in Composite Technology.
• As of 2024 - Supplies 90% of Bowlimb Material Worldwide.
• God, Family & Bowhunting was Their Passion.